LIBYA | FULL STOP (2020) 7min 37sec

“We don’t care whether you’re red or yellow, black or white – it doesn’t matter to us. We believe there should be no bias in caring for a child.” - Dr. William Novick

LIBYA | FULL STOP (2020) Pioneering Child Heart Surgery Amidst Civil War

“We don’t care whether you’re red or yellow, black or white – it doesn’t matter to us. We believe there should be no bias in caring for a child.”

Dr. William Novick, a renowned pediatric heart surgeon, talks openly about the challenges of delivering life-saving heart surgery to children in Libya, a country deemed a dangerous failed state by the international community and deeply divided through years of civil war. In this short documentary, Dr. Novick lays out how COVID-19 has dramatically affected the Novick Cardiac Alliance, an international team of doctors, nurses and clinicians that operate in conflict zones worldwide. He also shares his origin story: at age nine, during the civil rights uprising in Montgomery, Alabama his family experienced racial injustice firsthand. Dr. Novick poignantly explains how the experience led him to champion those marginalized in society and how it ultimately forged a global vision to serve children regardless of their race, color or religion.

LIBYA | FULL STOP (2020) 7min 37sec | Directed & Edited by AMY MARQUIS | Produced by JORDAN CAMPBELL | Executive Producer DR. WILLIAM NOVICK | Benghazi (Libya) Cinematography by JORDAN CAMPBELL; Memphis (Tennessee) Cinematography by AMY MARQUIS | A RAMRO GLOBAL® Production
